4 Proven Ways To Lose Your Muffin Top
The body's most stubborn place to banish fat, the DREAD muffin top, is a common complaint for most women, although men can suffer from it as well (they call it the 'beer gut'). The good news is, with the right diet and exercise, the top of the muffin can go faster than you think! First, let's talk about what a "muffin top".
What is belly fat?
Belly fat is fat in the abdominal area and is the most dangerous type of fat around. If you are here purely for a cosmetic approach, we fully understand and will give you the right tools to achieve the flatter stomach you want.
However, it is important to know that belly fat or "visceral fat" is among the most harmful and dangerous fats around. While arm or thigh fat is unsightly, it is belly fat and especially around the waistline that is linked to heart disease, diabetes, increased cortisol release, and a whole lot more. lots of other things you don't want to have.
In other words: it's very dangerous to have. So get rid of it not only to look sexy in your clothes, but also for a healthier and more vibrant life! This little piece comes from our article on how to lose belly fat, and it will also tell you what causes it and give you some more tips on how to lose it.
Once you have the right solution, shedding fat from your hips and obliques can be relatively easy with the help of extreme tummy control shapewear Hope this article helps you change your perspective and shows you how to REALLY ban the muffin top ONCE AND FOR ALL!
1. In fact, diet Let's really talk
You can't eat cookies, cakes, and brownies and expect the muffin tops to go away with a little exercise. Not. Goes. To arrive. Dieting will always trump exercise when it comes to losing fat, and you need to have the right fat loss program in place if you truly expect results! Have you ever heard the phrase "Abs are done in the kitchen?" It's totally true.
80% or more of your diet results in weight loss, and exercise accounts for the remaining 20%. You can do crunches all day every day and wear the best waist trainer for lower belly fat, but if you don't diet properly, you'll never lose stomach fat!
2- Rabbit Food
It's underestimated. No, not real rabbit food. We're just talking about VEGGIES! Vegetables for DAYS! You should peel the leafy greens at EVERY meal. Along with nutrients and minerals, they contain tons of healthy fiber, which helps your digestive system to function properly. Lean Protein - You also want to eat a source of lean protein with these veggies at EVERY meal. We're talking eggs, lean chicken breast, grass-fed beef, and low-carb, sugar-free protein shakes.
High protein diets have been proven to help you burn fat faster and improve your metabolism and our body shape by wearing the best waist trainer.
What to Avoid - Cookies, cakes, brownies, all sugar for that matter, and almost anything that comes in a package or box.
You'll also want to avoid carbs for a few weeks to give your insulin receptors and hormones a much needed break and detox. Learn more about the specifics of this type of diet and the importance of a detox in our 21 Day Fat Loss Challenge at the bottom of this article.
3. Let the Booze cruise go. We all love wine.
We totally understand. But there is one thing alcohol REALLY, REALLY fears ... and it helps you lose your muffin tops (or any kind of excess weight, for that matter). It acts like sugar in your body, increasing your insulin and causing the body to hold onto those pesky fat stores. Alcohol is a great muffin glue.
You MUST get rid of it until you lose stomach fat and reach the desired weight. No exceptions. All of you, that doesn't mean you have to cut it FOREVER. Once you work out to maintain your weight, you can absolutely find a place for it in your life.
4. Minimize stress levels
Having high stress levels drives the hormones in your body
crazy and makes fat loss INCREDIBLY difficult.
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